Spelunky Wiki
Spelunky Wiki


Uh oh. I think I left my enchanted Ba-Gua mirror in my other jacket.

Jiang Shi are a type of zombie present only in Restless Dead Levels in the Jungle.
They are teal-colored humanoids in red vestments.


Jiang Shi are not really threatening enemies. They move slowly and their only means of attack is to awkwardly shamble toward you. This makes them excellent cushions for preventing fall damage.
When killed, they drop a skull, which usually shatters when it hits the ground. If other enemies are close enough, such as other Jiang Shi, it may hit them instead.

In any case, Jiang Shi are only really dangerous in difficult terrain or when distracted by more dangerous enemies such as vampires.


  • Originating in Chinese folklore, Jiāng Shī (僵尸) are the restless corpses of people who've died far from home. Due to rigor mortis they are unable to walk and must instead hop their way back to their hometowns to be buried. They're often depicted in the robes and caps of Qing Dynasty court officials.
  • Jiang Shi are no strangers to video games; they've previously appeared in Darkstalkers, Super Mario Land, Phantom Fighter, and Touhou 13: Ten Desires among others.
  • Jiang Shis replace Frog (Classic) and Fire Frog (Classic) in restless dead levels in the jungle
Spelunky Classic Enemies
Cave BatSnakeSpiderGiant SpiderCaveman
Lush BatCavemanZombieVampireFrogMonkeyFire FrogMantrapPiranhaMegamouth
Ice YetiYeti KingAlienUFOAlien Boss
Temple CavemanHawkmanTomb LordMagma ManOlmec
Miscellaneous SkeletonScarabDamselShopkeeperGhost