Spelunky Wiki

Webs are a stationary hazard generally found in narrow spaces or beside Giant Spiders and Hang Spiders. They can also be produced by the Web Gun and Giant Spiders, although these webs are temporary and last about 10 seconds before fading.


Spelunkers and Hired Hands trapped in a web have drastically reduced movement speed and a significantly lower jump. While on the ground and in a web, these entities have the appearance of "pushing" through the web, as if they were moving a Push Block. It is still possible to jump in a web, but the player will become suspended in the air and gain very little height while doing so.

Movement degrades webs, and enough movement will eventually and permanently destroy the web. It is also possible to quickly destroy webs by slashing them with a Machete, Excalibur, or the Broken Sword, or by burning them with a source of fire like a Torch or a whip buffed by the Powerpack. Any other items thrown into the web will degrade them slightly.

Other entities such as Monsters or Pets will become completely unable to move once caught in a web, unless it is destroyed or they are somehow taken out of it. While enemies are still capable of firing their weapons and damaging the player, their projectile may get caught in the web if they are far enough into it or are firing into the web in an attempt to hit the player. Spiders, Hang Spiders, and Giant Spiders are understandably immune to the effects of a web.

Items and entities that get stuck in a web can only be retrieved from a web if it isn't close enough to the ground by destroying the web. While projectiles that can be picked up like an Arrow or a Boomerang will be stopped mid-flight by webs, those which cannot, such as a Shotgun's buckshot or a Freeze Ray's ice blast, will pass through the web without degrading it further.


  • Enemies can be trapped in webs just as easily as the player can. While NPCs can still turn around in webs and Shopkeepers can still fire their Shotguns at the player, those armed with Crossbows will quickly lose their offensive capability when they fire their arrow, with it either becoming trapped in the web or them being unable to recover it.
    • Tun is an exception to this, as she can magically generate more arrows. Webs can still be an effective way to defeat her, but the player must remain cautious.
  • Webs can be used to simulate the effects of paste if in a convenient position, allowing the player to easily bomb ceilings or to throw at the two webs that will always spawn just below a Giant Spider.
  • Webs do not reset the scaling fall damage of Spike Shoes, which may be used to instantly kill certain high health enemies in certain situations. This can be especially powerful when combined with the use of the Web Gun.
  • If the player has no need for any of the web's applications and are in a situation where it will be more of a detriment to them, it is best to destroy them by repeatedly pushing through them or slashing/burning them.
Spelunky 2 Traps
Journal Entries SpikesArrow TrapTotem TrapLog TrapSpear TrapThorny VineBear TrapPowder BoxFalling PlatformSpikeballLion TrapGiant ClamSliding WallCrush TrapGiant Crush TrapBoulderSpring TrapLandmineLaser TrapSpark TrapFrog TrapSticky TrapBone DropEgg Sac
No Journal Entry Push BlockBone BlockWebBush BlockConveyor BeltGeneratorLavaTentacleQuicksandThin IceThe AbyssForcefieldElevatorRegenerating BlockFloating Orb
See also Idol Traps