The tutorial in Spelunky HD is more elaborate than in the original game, and introduces the story of the caves and the character Yang.
After selecting "Play Game" from the main menu and selecting their character for the first time, the player will find themselves in the Entrance Cave after descending down with a rope. On the left, they will find Yang's journal, which they take for their own, and they learn of Yang's experiences in the Mines.
The player then temporarily assumes control of Yang as they journey through three short areas in the Mines, and are introduced to the controls and various mechanics of the game.
After completing the tutorial, Yang gives the player the key to the Mines, and they are allowed to begin the adventure for themselves.
After pressing the Back/Tab/Select/Touch Pad button to open the journal they just found, the player is introduced to Yang.
Tutorial 1[]
Tutorial 1 introduces the player to jumping, collecting gold, Snakes, Powder Boxes, sprinting, climbing ladders, and spikes.
Tutorial 2[]
Tutorial 2 introduces the player to whipping, crates, Bomb Bags, bats, using bombs, Rope Piles, using ropes, pushing heavy crates, and sprinting across small gaps.
Tutorial Final[]
The final part of the tutorial introduces the player to picking up objects, Shopkeepers, arrow traps, Idols, and Damsels.
- The player keeps their current health across each area in the tutorial, but will respawn at each area upon death, rather than at the beginning of Tutorial 1.
- The Idol in Tutorial Final is only guarded by one arrow trap, instead of a boulder.
- The Ghost will never appear, regardless of how long the player spends in the levels.
- The final level of the tutorial contains an easter egg. If you bomb below the shop you can find a Classic Spelunker.
- Starting the game in Co-Op will cause the tutorial to not start.
- If the player opens and closes the journal when going through the exit in any level, they will warp to the equivalent next level in the Mines, skipping the end of the tutorial and making it possible to unlock the shortcuts and beat Olmec before the tutorial is completed. The door at the entrance will remain closed, and shortcuts won't be accessible until the tutorial is completed.
Related Achievements[]
- "So It Begins" - Beat the Tutorial. (Guide)