Do you think it would be best to try and group the items found in crates in some order of relative rarity (ie: Jetpack is super rare, 3 bombs/ropes super common, Compass somewhat common, etc?)--MechanisMs 23:02, 14 January 2009
I think that's a good idea, or at least ordering them by increasing order of rarity. I would guess it scales directly to purchase price, though.
On a different note, would it be worth noting what items CANNOT be obtained from crates? - E-mouse 21:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
That'd be a short list... 1. Udjat Eye 2. Hedjet 3. Ankh 4. Mummy Scepter which could be summed up as: Any item that is directly involved in the City of Gold Quest. --MechanisMs 22:36, 1 February 2009 (UTC)