Spelunky Wiki

Springs are tricky traps found in the Ice Caves and the Mothership. They are usually more annoying than dangerous, but can cause accidents with severe consequences.

In Spelunky 2, Spring Shoes have adopted the same technology as these contraptions.


The spring will trigger whenever any character or item touches it, propelling it directly upwards about five tiles into the air.

Monsters such as Yetis and Aliens do not move off a spring once caught in one and will ride it forever unless they are violently displaced, which can make them tricky to get past or stomp on. The propulsive force can also volley a crashing UFO back into the air, leading it it to crash-land somewhere unexpected.


Springs can be both useful and dangerous depending on the circumstance.

They can be used to launch the player into the air much farther than you are able to jump, allowing them to reach platforms that would ordinarily be out of their reach and bring them close enough to overhead UFOs to whip them out of the air, or negate damage that an extremely long fall would have caused.

On the other hand, stepping on a spring unexpectedly can throw one off a platform, make it very difficult to stay in control when trying to navigate carefully over dangerous terrain, or even launch the victim into spikes, killing them instantly.

Being launched by a spring that is also bouncing a hard object such as a rock or corpse will have the victim collide with the object in mid-air and take damage. This can often lock them into an inescapable stun cycle - the spring continues to bounce the item into the entity's face, preventing them from coming to their senses and chipping away at their health until they are killed.

Springs can be destroyed by breaking the block on which they sit with a bomb or any explosion, or by baiting a UFO to shoot at or crash into it.

As the Jetpack cancels out all vertical momentum that the player once had once it is activated, using the Jetpack after the player triggers a spring trap will negate all of its momentum, potentially preventing it from launching the player into danger.

Spelunky 2 Traps
Journal Entries SpikesArrow TrapTotem TrapLog TrapSpear TrapThorny VineBear TrapPowder BoxFalling PlatformSpikeballLion TrapGiant ClamSliding WallCrush TrapGiant Crush TrapBoulderSpring TrapLandmineLaser TrapSpark TrapFrog TrapSticky TrapBone DropEgg Sac
No Journal Entry Push BlockBone BlockWebBush BlockConveyor BeltGeneratorLavaTentacleQuicksandThin IceThe AbyssForcefieldElevatorRegenerating BlockFloating Orb
See also Idol Traps