Spelunky Wiki

Spring Shoes Sticker S2

Journal Run Recap sticker

Spring Shoes are a Power-Up in Spelunky 2.


Spring Shoes can be obtained from the following ways:

Shops Drops Miscellaneous
Clothing Shops Jiangshi (1/1000 chance) Crates (147/1000 chance)
Hired Hand Shops Presents (1/25 chance)
Dice Houses Potential Kali Altar reward at 8 favor if the Spelunker does not have Spring Shoes
Tun's Curio Shops Randomly buried in terrain
Caveman Shops (rare)


Spring shoes increase the user's jump height by an extra tile, to a new maximum of three tiles.

Jump velocity is increased as well, so that the user reaches the peak of their jump at the same speed as that of one not wearing them. This allows the user to ascend substantially faster than normal.

Much like Spike Shoes, Spring Shoes prevent damage from stepping on Thorny Vines or Octopy.


  • Gives jumps a special sound and visual effect, similar to that of a Spring Trap's.
  • With Vlad's Cape, the double jump is also given enhanced height and velocity, although this is not accompanied with the audio/visual effect.
  • Can be combined with a Shotgun's recoil to jump 4 tiles high.

Other games[]

Appearances in other Spelunky games:

Spelunky 2 Items
Equipment PasteSpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesCompassAlien CompassParachuteUdjat EyeKapalaAnkhTablet of DestinySkeleton KeyFour-Leaf Clover
Crowns HedjetCrownEggplant CrownThe True Crown
Backwear CapeVlad's CapeJetpackTelepackHoverpackPowerpack
Power-ups BombsRopesRoyal JellyCooked TurkeyElixir
Usable Items WebgunShotgunFreeze RayClone GunCrossbowCameraTeleporterMattockBoomerangMacheteExcaliburBroken SwordPlasma CannonScepterHou Yi's BowWooden ShieldMetal Shield
Miscellaneous Arrow of LightIdolThe Tusk IdolCurse PotUshabtiEggplant
Traps Bear TrapLandmine
No Journal Entry CratePresentChestKeyGold KeyLocked ChestArrowsTorchPunish BallDiePot of GoldTreasurePlayer BagGiant FoodScrap