Spelunky Wiki

Spike Shoes are accessory items that increase the damage dealt by stomping on enemies.
They can be bought from certain shops, and can also occasionally be found in crates or dropped by the Yeti King.

They are not to be confused with Spring Shoes which have a similar appearance.


Spike Shoes will increase your effective stomp damage, allowing you to kill high-health enemies such as Cavemen in a single hit. They are also effective against certain enemies that are not usually harmed by jumping (such as Mammoths and Giant Frogs). For those familliar with the original Spelunky, it is important to note that Spike Shoes DO NOT allow you to safely jump on Mantraps anymore.

They also provide a secondary bonus of full traction on ice blocks in the Ice Caves, preventing you from sliding after you stop walking.

Spike shoes can be worn at the same time as spring shoes, allowing for both effects at once.

If stomping a 2 by 2 sized enemy (I.e. mummies) in a 2 tile high corridor, several stomps are executed in quick succession. Doing this with spike boots can allow for quick disposal of mammoth, mummies, the Queen Bee, Anubis II, and more.

Spelunky HD Items
Equipment SpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesPasteCompassCrysknifeParachuteKapalaUdjat EyeAnkhHedjetBook of the DeadVlad's Amulet
Backwear CapeJetpackVlad's Cape
Power-ups RopeBombsRoyal Jelly
Useable items MattockBoomerangMacheteWeb GunShotgunFreeze RayPlasma CannonCameraTeleporterShieldSceptre
Miscellaneous Idol
No Journal Entry TreasureChestCrateArrowGold KeyLocked ChestTorchLampMystery BoxEggplantPunish BallCrystal SkullThrowables