Spelunky Wiki
Spelunky Wiki
Snake (Spelunky 2) Snake (Spelunky HD) Snake (Spelunky Classic)

Any game featuring a whip-toting, fedora-sporting treasure hunter also stipulates the ophidiophobic hero's worst fear.
Snakes are basic enemies that appear primarily in the Mines, but may also occasionally be found hiding in pots in later areas.
They are the primary feature of the Snake Pit.


Snakes are generally easy to kill, as they move around slowly and have only one hitpoint. They are simpler to avoid than most enemies as they simply move back and forth, without falling off ledges or climbing up steps.
One factor that can make them tricky to deal with is their erratic movement patterns. Snakes move slowly, but can be unpredictable as they will often pause and remain still for a few seconds before continuing, sometimes even changing direction without warning. This can cause carefully timed whips to fall short, or a falling Spelunker to miss their landing.

Spelunky Classic Enemies
Cave BatSnakeSpiderGiant SpiderCaveman
Lush BatCavemanZombieVampireFrogMonkeyFire FrogMantrapPiranhaMegamouth
Ice YetiYeti KingAlienUFOAlien Boss
Temple CavemanHawkmanTomb LordMagma ManOlmec
Miscellaneous SkeletonScarabDamselShopkeeperGhost