Spelunky Wiki
Spelunky Wiki
Alien (Spelunky 2) Alien (Spelunky HD) Alien (Spelunky Classic)

The one-eyed Alien pilot of a UFO will occasionally bail out of a UFO that has been destroyed in mid-air. They parachute towards the ground after leaving the ship.


Aliens can be killed in mid-air while parachuting.

They behave exactly like snakes once they touch the ground, and are easily dealt with in the same manner.

Spelunky Classic Enemies
Cave BatSnakeSpiderGiant SpiderCaveman
Lush BatCavemanZombieVampireFrogMonkeyFire FrogMantrapPiranhaMegamouth
Ice YetiYeti KingAlienUFOAlien Boss
Temple CavemanHawkmanTomb LordMagma ManOlmec
Miscellaneous SkeletonScarabDamselShopkeeperGhost