Spelunky Wiki

The Curse Pot, colloquially known as the "Ghost Pot", is a special pot exclusive to Spelunky 2 that spawns randomly in every standard level.


Has the exact same durability as a regular Pot. Immediately spawns The Ghost when smashed, but also leaves behind a single diamond.

Entities hit with, or thrown at a Curse Pot take 1 damage before becoming Cursed. This includes Spelunkers.

Some Curse Pots are guaranteed to spawn in specific locations throughout the caves in certain levels, in order to lower the risk of it getting randomly smashed:

There can only be one Curse Pot per level; giving Waddler a Curse Pot to carry from The Ice Caves to the Sunken City stops one from spawning normally in the level. Because of this, the only way to obtain multiple curse pots in one level is by Cloning it.

While the Curse Pot reliably spawns in most normal levels, the chance of it spawning is not 100%. Level generation such as the Moon Challenge may interfere with the Curse Pot's spawn and cause it to not appear altogether.

Destroying multiple Curse Pots or destroying a Curse Pot while the Ghost is already on the level will not summon another Ghost, unlike how moving the Crystal Skull found in previous installments of Spelunky would.


  • Curse Pots are one of the most consistent sources of treasure in the game, particularly early on. They can be especially helpful when hoarding up gold to spend in The Black Market.
    • If you just want the Diamond inside and nothing else, it's best to leave it in a safe place by the level exit, breaking it when ready to leave.
  • Keep an eye out for the pot throughout levels, as in certain cases it can spawn in a place that makes it easy accidentally break.
    • In the Sunken City, Fire Frogs may detonate from the many traps in the area, exploding the Curse Pot.
    • It can sometimes spawn right beside a Shopkeeper Outpost, which makes it much more likely to be destroyed by a stray Shotgun blast.
  • The Curse Pot can be used in the Dwelling to curse the player, allowing them access into the Ghist Shop.
    • While it is easiest to have another player throw the pot at them in Co-op, a solo player has to be knocked into the Curse Pot by a Totem Trap or have the pot fall on their heads after the tile was destroyed; this is easily done with bombs or placing the pot on top of two Bone Blocks, before destroying the blocks and running under the pot.
    • A Horned Lizard can also be used to fling the player into the pot, though this can be risky and unpredictable.
Spelunky 2 Items
Equipment PasteSpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesCompassAlien CompassParachuteUdjat EyeKapalaAnkhTablet of DestinySkeleton KeyFour-Leaf Clover
Crowns HedjetCrownEggplant CrownThe True Crown
Backwear CapeVlad's CapeJetpackTelepackHoverpackPowerpack
Power-ups BombsRopesRoyal JellyCooked TurkeyElixir
Usable Items WebgunShotgunFreeze RayClone GunCrossbowCameraTeleporterMattockBoomerangMacheteExcaliburBroken SwordPlasma CannonScepterHou Yi's BowWooden ShieldMetal Shield
Miscellaneous Arrow of LightIdolThe Tusk IdolCurse PotUshabtiEggplant
Traps Bear TrapLandmine
No Journal Entry CratePresentChestKeyGold KeyLocked ChestArrowsTorchPunish BallDiePot of GoldTreasurePlayer BagGiant FoodScrap