Spelunky Wiki
Compass (Spelunky 2) Compass (Spelunky HD) Compass (Spelunky Classic)

The Compass is an item in Spelunky 2. It can be found inside shops, rewarded by Kali at an Altar, or found in a Crate with a 3.98% chance of appearing. It is also a guaranteed drop from the Yeti King.


Powerpacks can be obtained from the following sources:

Shops Drops Miscellaneous
General Stores, Specialty Shops, Dice Houses Yeti King (100% Chance) Randomly buried in terrain
Tun's Curio Shops Waddler (100% Chance) Crates (3.98% chance)
Caveman Shops (Rare) Possible drop from Kali Altar after reaching 8 Favor Presents (4% chance)


A red arrow is added to the user's UI, pointing to the level exit.


Spelunky 2 Items
Equipment PasteSpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesCompassAlien CompassParachuteUdjat EyeKapalaAnkhTablet of DestinySkeleton KeyFour-Leaf Clover
Crowns HedjetCrownEggplant CrownThe True Crown
Backwear CapeVlad's CapeJetpackTelepackHoverpackPowerpack
Power-ups BombsRopesRoyal JellyCooked TurkeyElixir
Usable Items WebgunShotgunFreeze RayClone GunCrossbowCameraTeleporterMattockBoomerangMacheteExcaliburBroken SwordPlasma CannonScepterHou Yi's BowWooden ShieldMetal Shield
Miscellaneous Arrow of LightIdolThe Tusk IdolCurse PotUshabtiEggplant
Traps Bear TrapLandmine
No Journal Entry CratePresentChestKeyGold KeyLocked ChestArrowsTorchPunish BallDiePot of GoldTreasurePlayer BagGiant FoodScrap