Spelunky Wiki
Arrow (Spelunky 2)

Arrows are a projectile in Spelunky 2.


Arrows 2 damage and stun on hit, breaking afterward. It pierces through entities without breaking if they have 2 or less health and wouldn't leave a corpse on death, like Bats or damaged Horned Lizards.

When fired out of a Crossbow, Arrow Trap, or Hou Yi's Bow, they are unaffected by gravity and travel at a constant velocity.

Broken Arrows (image) deal 0 damage, but can still be thrown to stun entities or trigger Arrow Traps.

Arrows can be ignited by fire sources (eg; Wall Torches) while traveling at high enough speeds. While ignited, they deal 1 fire damage on top of the normal 2 damage, but goes back to normal once it loses momentum. This fire damage can ignite flammable objects (such as a Backpack) and insta-kills enemies weak to fire, like Vampires or Mummies.

Metal Arrows[]

Metal Arrow Link S2

Metal Arrows come with Crossbows and Hou Yi's Bow. They never break, but can't be ignited. Vampires and Vlad are weak to Metal Arrows and instantly die to them.

When fired by a Crossbow/Hou Yi's Bow, they stick to walls and can be stood on top of like a platform. They unstick from the wall after 3 seconds or after being Whipped.

Poisoned Arrows[]

Poison Arrow Link S2 Poison Metal Arrow Link S2

Both Arrows and Metal Arrows become tipped with Poison after hitting a Scorpion, Cobra, or Hermit Crab. This can only happen on normal Arrows if used on a Cobra/Scorpion with 2 or less health, as it would otherwise break.

If a tipped arrow hits an enemy it can't pierce, it poisons them. This poison tip goes away after hitting an enemy or corpse with it, or for normal Arrows, when ignited.

Arrow Traps in the Sunken City as well as Tun/The Three Sisters's crossbows are pre-loaded with poisoned tipped arrows.


  • Kali rewards the player with an Arrow if they are over 16 favor and a Rock is offered.

Version History

1.22.6 (Switch)

  • Improved the way arrows ricochet in certain situations
  • Fixed issue where shooting arrows while being held could damage your holder

1.20.3a (W64)

  • Prevented metal arrow from sticking on the top of Olmec when Olmec is jumping
  • Prevented sticky bombs from attaching to a bow's arrow of a player being held by the thrower
Spelunky 2 Items
Equipment PasteSpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesCompassAlien CompassParachuteUdjat EyeKapalaAnkhTablet of DestinySkeleton KeyFour-Leaf Clover
Crowns HedjetCrownEggplant CrownThe True Crown
Backwear CapeVlad's CapeJetpackTelepackHoverpackPowerpack
Power-ups BombsRopesRoyal JellyCooked TurkeyElixir
Usable Items WebgunShotgunFreeze RayClone GunCrossbowCameraTeleporterMattockBoomerangMacheteExcaliburBroken SwordPlasma CannonScepterHou Yi's BowWooden ShieldMetal Shield
Miscellaneous Arrow of LightIdolThe Tusk IdolCurse PotUshabtiEggplant
Traps Bear TrapLandmine
No Journal Entry CratePresentChestKeyGold KeyLocked ChestArrowsTorchPunish BallDiePot of GoldTreasurePlayer BagGiant FoodScrap