Spelunky Wiki

Runs in Spelunky can have certain conditions, like finishing the game with a specific item in hand or performing a particular task.

Additionally to this page, the MossRanking website contains the different categories the Spelunky Speedrunning Community runs.

Item Related[]

  • Ropekeeper Run: Finish Olmec or Yama with 40+ ropes.
  • Pot Run: Finish Olmec or Yama with a pot in hand. (It's very funny to see a spider or snake in the ending video!)
  • Hamlet Run: Finish Olmec or Yama with a skull in hand.
  • Lantern Run: Finish Olmec or Yama with a Lantern in hand. Lantern run by BaerTaffy (Unfortunately, carrying a red lantern through a door turns it into a yellow lantern, so there is no way to have a red glow at the end of the game.)
  • Double Jetpack Run: Finish Olmec or Yama with a jetpack in hand, which requires two jetpacks within the same seed.
  • Double Cape Run: Similar to the above, finish Olmec or Yama with a cape in hand, which requires two capes within the same seed.
  • Ball and Chain Run: Finish Olmec or Yama with a ball and chain in hand. Ball and Chain ending.

Player Action Related[]
