Spelunky Wiki

Spark Traps are wall-mounted Traps that will generate a dangerous electricity ball when the player comes too close, flying around the trap in a circular fashion. They are found primarily in Neo Babylon.


Spark traps sense any players moving within ~6 tiles around them, and will then generate an electricity ball that flies around it about 3 tiles away in a clockwise circle, damaging anything it comes in contact with and generating a pinball noise when hitting an object repeatedly. It will not activate in the presence of monsters or other entities except for Hired Hands and the Eggplant Child.

Spark traps are arguably the most dangerous objects in Neo Babylon, as they are deceptively difficult to avoid in the small corridors of the area and can easily launch the player into other hazards. Spark Traps will also ignite any entity they hit, which can detonate flammable Back Items, even when unequipped and on the ground.


  • One of the defining abilities of the Spark Trap is it's ability to fling enemies like Olmites and UFOs at the player or other undesirable locations. One should take extreme precaution when seeing enemies near spark traps, particularly while wearing flammable Back Items.
  • Spark traps can only be deactivated by staying out of their range or destroying them by applying a Bomb or swinging a Mattock to its source block.
  • Avoiding the electricity ball is difficult, but possible if the player is fast and precise enough. Patience and composure is the key to avoiding spark traps, as well as the crush-happy elevators they exist alongside.
Spelunky 2 Traps
Journal Entries SpikesArrow TrapTotem TrapLog TrapSpear TrapThorny VineBear TrapPowder BoxFalling PlatformSpikeballLion TrapGiant ClamSliding WallCrush TrapGiant Crush TrapBoulderSpring TrapLandmineLaser TrapSpark TrapFrog TrapSticky TrapBone DropEgg Sac
No Journal Entry Push BlockBone BlockWebBush BlockConveyor BeltGeneratorLavaTentacleQuicksandThin IceThe AbyssForcefieldElevatorRegenerating BlockFloating Orb
See also Idol Traps