Spelunky Wiki

Sliding Walls are a mechanism commonly found in the Tide Pool, the City of Gold, the Eggplant World, and Vlad's Castle.


Sliding Wall Chunk S2

A common chunk found in Tide Pool containing a Sliding Wall and its lever on the other side.

Sliding Walls will always be generated hanging from an anchor block, suspended via a chain that can be retracted by flipping a switch, usually found somewhere nearby.

The switch can be flipped by nearly any means of damage, including the Whip. When triggered, the Sliding Wall will be slowly lifted up by the chain until it reaches the block it is anchored to. If the switch is flipped again, the chain will give out and the Sliding Wall will begin violently descending down until it hits a tile.

Sliding Walls may descend infinitely down a level, making the climbable chain it is attached to a useful method of ascent if necessary. Destroying a sliding wall will not destroy the currently unraveled chain, providing a safe climbable object

Sliding Walls will crush anything in their path on their way up or down into unusable chunks.


  • Due to their controllable and deadly nature, they can be used to easily destroy unwanted items or entities, particularly Croc Men in The City of Gold.
    • Of course, this also applies to the player, as if they are between a Sliding Wall and its target destination, they may become easily crushed, along with any valuable items they may have had.
  • The levers that power sliding walls should be accounted for, as Hermit Crabs, other enemies, or even a poorly timed whip may unintentionally trigger it, activating the Sliding Wall.
Spelunky 2 Traps
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See also Idol Traps