Spelunky Wiki
Spelunky Wiki

The Queen Bee is a mini-boss enemy that can sometimes be found in levels of the Jungle, inside colossal beehives. She resembles her Killer Bee brethren, but is larger, and has red eyes instead of the Killer Bees' usual blue.

She is tough and dangerous, with 10 HP, the ability to fly erratically and a powerful stinger that does 2 points of damage. Furthermore, she is always accompanied by a swarm of regular Killer Bees that will protect her with their lives. She is immune to stomp attacks unless the Spelunker is wearing Spike Shoes.

However, should you manage to kill her, she will drop precious Royal Jelly which instantly grants 4 HP when collected.

In addition, beehives are usually filled with treasure, supply crates and occasionally Damsels, making it worth your while to explore them.


There are a number of ways to slay her safely, such as:

  • Retreating to a safe distance with a ranged weapon.
  • Luring her into Tiki Traps or a worm's tongue.
  • A well placed sticky bomb.
  • Combo-ing spike boot stomps (make sure you have generous space above you).

Due to her size, the Queen Bee can't move through spaces a single tile wide. If you can find an alcove or tunnel that is only one tile tall and lead the Queen Bee towards it, you will be able to stand near the edge and whip her to death without fear of being hit.

Spelunky HD Monsters
The Mines SnakeCobraBatSpiderSpinner SpiderGiant SpiderScorpionCaveman
Jungle BatCavemanTiki ManFrogFire FrogGiant FrogMantrapPiranhaOld BiteyKiller BeeQueen BeeSnailMonkeyJiang ShiVampire
Haunted Castle Jiang ShiGreen KnightBlack KnightVampire
Worm BacteriumWorm EggWorm Baby
Ice Caves YetiYeti KingMammothAlienUFOAlien Lord
Mothership AlienUFOAlien TankAlien LordAlien Queen
Temple CobraScorpionCavemanHawk ManCroc ManMagma ManScorpion FlyMummyAnubis
City of Gold Anubis II
Olmec's Lair Olmec
Hell BatJiang ShiVampireMagma ManVladImpDevilSuccubus
Yama's Throne Horse HeadOx FaceKing Yama
Miscellaneous SkeletonDamselShopkeeperTunnel ManScarabGolden MonkeyGhost
No Journal Entry CrittersHired Hand