Spelunky Wiki

Many new places were introduced in Spelunky 2, totaling up to 16 places. This list does not include the The Black Market, Vlad's Castle, or the Mothership, as all of which appear within other levels.

DwellingHD JungleHD VolcanaHD
Dwelling Jungle Volcana
"The air here is warm and dry. It smells of campfire smoke and bat guano." "Despite all odds, this dense, tropical forest appears to be teeming with life." "It's as hot as Hell in this lava-filled world! Who knew the Moon could have such a place inside it?"
Olmec'sLairHD TidePoolHD AbzuHD
Olmec's Lair Tide Pool Abzu
"A shrine dedicated to the mighty Olmec. There is a timeless quality to this place of worship." "The ruins of an ancient empire lay here, at the edge of a vast, underground ocean." "This palatial sanctuary was built over the deepest part of the sea."
TempleOfAnubisHD CityOfGoldHD DuatHD
Temple of Anubis The City of Gold Duat
"A massive tomb built by powerful pharaohs. On its walls are carved the stories of the past, present, and future." "A legendary place to all treasure hunters! Every brick is made from solid gold." "A desert of ash and fire, burning beneath an eternal blood moon. The domain of the god Osiris."
IceCavesHD NeoBabylonHD Tiamat'sThroneHD
Ice Caves Neo Babylon Tiamat's Throne
"Life still thrives within the frozen core of this giant meteorite." "The capital city of the Olmites, a place of high technology, untold wonders, and endless stimulation." "Where Queen Tiamat gave birth to the World. Now a seat of power from which she guides her unruly children."
SunkenCityHD EggplantWorld Hundun'sHideawayHD
Sunken City Eggplant World Hundun's Hideaway
"In the bottom of the Well, the First City sleeps." "Once the palace of a mighty tyrant, now overgrown with peaceful eggplants." "At the lowest point of the Well is where the Great Dreamer muddles about, always felt but never known."
Cosmic Ocean
"The roiling waters of creation that flow from Hundun's childish weeping. Here one may find the beginning and the end."'