Spelunky Wiki
Spelunky Wiki

After all these years, it's still mysterious and implacable.

The Moai is a structure that appears in the Ice Caves.

It is always found in the top half of the level, next to a purple eggplant altar.

The Moai in Spelunky 2 is unlike its original incarnations in Spelunky HD and Spelunky Classic. Its ties to Ancient Egypt have been completely severed, as the Ankh is no longer used to enter it, nor does it award the Hedjet for entering. Because of this, there is no longer an Ankh symbol inscribed on its forehead and entering it is not a requirement for accessing The City of Gold.

Also unlike the original Moai, it has been moved to the wall of the level, with its chin being the only structure on it that a player can stand on, with the blocks under it now destructible.


In spite of these massive overhauls, the Moai remains an important part of The Ice Caves, as it must be entered in order to reach the Eggplant World. Placing an Eggplant upon the purple altar beside the Moai will prompt it to open, allowing the Spelunker to enter a newly created small hollow within the statue, which contains the Eggplant Child inside.


Opening The Moai with an Eggplant to reach the Eggplant Child.

If the player is lucky with a Shopkeeper Vault spawn, they may enter the vault and teleport from it using either a Teleporter or Telepack to inside the Moai to awaken the Eggplant Child without initially opening it, allowing one to continue into the later levels with them.
