Spelunky Wiki


The machete's attack animation.

The Machete is the most powerful of the three melee weapons in Spelunky Classic.
It can be bought in weapon shops or occasionally found in a crate.

It swings faster and does more damage (in a combo) than either the whip or the mattock, but must also be carried in the hands, making it difficult to 'juggle' when you wish to carry other items such as a Golden Idol.


When the action key is pressed, the Spelunker executes three swift slashes with the machete, which cover an approximately 90 degree arc in front of and above him.

The machete has several advantages over the whip:

  • While each strike only does one point of damage, the full combo hits three times in rapid succession. The damage it deals is enough to kill tougher enemies like cavemen and mantraps in a single combo, and makes it much easier to wear down powerful enemies like a Giant Spider.
  • It can do damage to certain enemies that are immune to the whip, such as Yetis.
  • It allows you to attack stunned enemies without having to wait for them to wake up.
  • It has slightly more range than the whip, and the lack of the backswing means there is no delay before attacking.
    While this also means it won't hit enemies that happen to be behind you, the wider arc of attack in front makes up for this as it is easier to hit enemies attacking from above, such as bats and frogs.
  • The machete cuts apart spider webs instantly.

Despite all of this, it may be more trouble than it's worth to juggle the machete with other carried items such as Golden Idols and damsels, and is almost completely inferior to ranged weapons such as the shotgun.
On the plus side, it is cheaper to purchase, easier to find and remains an excellent upgrade to the whip, both in terms of function and style.


Originally, the Machete was a much weaker weapon with no real benefits over the whip. In response to feedback from players, Derek agreed that it needed a buff.

Spelunky Classic Items
Equipment SpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesBomb PasteCompassParachuteKapalaUdjat EyeAnkhHedjet
Backwear CapeJetpack
Power-ups RopeBombs
Useable items MattockMacheteWeb CannonBowPistolShotgunTeleporterSceptre
Miscellaneous FlareTreasureCrateChestIdolArrowCrystal SkullKeyLocked ChestPunish BallThrowables
Unused BasketballJordans