Spelunky Wiki

The Key is an item used to open the Locked Chest and obtain the Udjat Eye.

It is always found somewhere in the Cave on the same level as the big chest, but never on the very first level.


Bringing the Key to the Locked Chest will open it. Both items will disappear, leaving only the Udjat Eye on the ground.

The chest will not open if you carry the chest and touch the key lying on the ground, or if you throw the key at the chest from afar.

Spelunky Classic Items
Equipment SpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesBomb PasteCompassParachuteKapalaUdjat EyeAnkhHedjet
Backwear CapeJetpack
Power-ups RopeBombs
Useable items MattockMacheteWeb CannonBowPistolShotgunTeleporterSceptre
Miscellaneous FlareTreasureCrateChestIdolArrowCrystal SkullKeyLocked ChestLampPunish BallThrowables
Unused BasketballJordans