Spelunky Wiki

Floating Orbs are objects found in every level of the Cosmic Ocean, and are a necessary find to complete levels in it.


In every level of the Cosmic Ocean, there are three orbs scattered randomly throughout the level. Floating Orbs have 1 HP and are vulnerable to all forms of attack, including the player's whip and stomp abilities.

Bombs covered in paste stick to orbs.

If the player or any other entity touches an orb from below or from its sides, it will fling them back in the opposite direction, stunning them.

If all three orbs are successfully destroyed, the Celestial Jelly blocking the exit will activate, moving away from the exit to target the player, allowing them to escape the level.

Popping an orb will create a different visual effect depending on how many orbs have been destroyed thus far in the level, with the third orb popped creating a different sound.

The sound of an orb in a level popping.

The sound of another orb in a level popping.

The sound of a third and final orb in a level popping, triggering the Celestial Jelly.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Floating Orbs make a soft vibrating sound if the player is close enough, getting louder and louder as they approach. Players can listen carefully for this noise to more easily find them.
  • Orbs can very rarely appear hiding behind the foreground elements (ie. the floating rocks). If not all orbs are visible, be sure to check them!
  • Getting too close to a orb could be deadly, possibly flinging the victim into the loop for them to fall to their doom or into another dangerous situation.
    • Players may want use use ranged options, such as thrown items or a boomerang to destroy orbs in order to avoid getting too close to them.
  • Players should be cautious of orbs directly adjacent to the Celestial Jelly, as if it is the final orb that they must destroy, the jelly may immediately swim into the player, killing them instantly.

Breaking the final orb left in a level and escaping after it prompts the Celestial Jelly to move.

Spelunky 2 Traps
Journal Entries SpikesArrow TrapTotem TrapLog TrapSpear TrapThorny VineBear TrapPowder BoxFalling PlatformSpikeballLion TrapGiant ClamSliding WallCrush TrapGiant Crush TrapBoulderSpring TrapLandmineLaser TrapSpark TrapFrog TrapSticky TrapBone DropEgg Sac
No Journal Entry Push BlockBone BlockWebBush BlockConveyor BeltGeneratorLavaTentacleQuicksandThin IceThe AbyssForcefieldElevatorRegenerating BlockFloating Orb
See also Idol Traps