Spelunky Wiki

Elevators are a trap in Spelunky 2's Neo Babylon. They bring objects and entities upward, but crushes anything in their way, making them a dangerous hazard.


Elevators move up and down, with no regard to the Spelunker's position or status.

While elevators stop one tile before hitting the ceiling, they do not stop before hitting the ground, crushing any item or entity below them. Standing under an Elevator is an easy way for the player to be crushed into bits, killing them instantly regardless of health.

Elevators are a common sight in Neo Babylon, and particularly in the Ushabti room found in 6-2.

If an elevator crushes an explosive such as flammable backpacks (eg; Jetpack), or bombs, it will explode the item, destroying both the elevator and anything in its vicinity.


  • Players should keep elevators noted, as they can occasionally come in from seemingly nowhere, especially in the Ushabti room. It is recommended to watch for elevators if the player cannot see the ceiling, as they may be hiding offscreen.
  • Bombs and other explosives are a good last resort or insurance policy if a player is worried about being crushed by elevators, as they easily destroy them.
Spelunky 2 Traps
Journal Entries SpikesArrow TrapTotem TrapLog TrapSpear TrapThorny VineBear TrapPowder BoxFalling PlatformSpikeballLion TrapGiant ClamSliding WallCrush TrapGiant Crush TrapBoulderSpring TrapLandmineLaser TrapSpark TrapFrog TrapSticky TrapBone DropEgg Sac
No Journal Entry Push BlockBone BlockWebBush BlockConveyor BeltGeneratorLavaTentacleQuicksandThin IceThe AbyssForcefieldElevatorRegenerating BlockFloating Orb
See also Idol Traps