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Bush Blocks are a blockade commonly found throughout the Jungle in Spelunky 2.


Bush Blocks

A large amount of Bush Blocks seen in one of the Jungle's many rooms.

Bush Blocks act identically to normal blocks, but are slightly weaker; they may be burned up by sources of fire, such as that of lit torches, a whip ignited by the Powerpack, or even flung ignited corpses. Explosives do not ignite Bush Blocks, however.

Machetes, Excalibur, and Broken Swords are all also capable of destroying Bush Blocks, leaving behind cosmetic leaves that do not interact with the rest of the world, much like what drops when a Mantrap is killed.

Destroying a Bush Block will destroy all others that are directly above it, and fire will spread along adjacent Bush Blocks.


Bush Blocks are generally seen in groups of one of two, but can also be found in large bundles, blocking access to portions of the area or protecting treasure, crates, pets, and other useful items. Occasionally, some simply exist blocking a shortcut through the level or a tactical location.

  • Torches can be obtained from dark levels or from campfires found in small wooden structures or locked rooms requiring a Metal or Skeleton Key to open. They may be ignited by other torches found in background layers, such as the rooms containing The Three Sisters, and are easily capable of burning up large amounts of Bush Blocks.
  • A Powerpack allows the player to destroy Bush Blocks while keeping their hands free for important items like Golden Idols and Hou Yi's Bow.
  • Machetes are a quick and easy way to slice through Bush Blocks, quickly opening the way forward.
  • In the Cosmic Ocean, certain portions of the level will contain Bush Blocks, and may typically be blocking access to Celestial Orbs. While they are easily bypassed with fire or a sharp blade, the player will otherwise need to use explosives such as bombs in order to pass through.
Spelunky 2 Traps
Journal Entries SpikesArrow TrapTotem TrapLog TrapSpear TrapThorny VineBear TrapPowder BoxFalling PlatformSpikeballLion TrapGiant ClamSliding WallCrush TrapGiant Crush TrapBoulderSpring TrapLandmineLaser TrapSpark TrapFrog TrapSticky TrapBone DropEgg Sac
No Journal Entry Push BlockBone BlockWebBush BlockConveyor BeltGeneratorLavaTentacleQuicksandThin IceThe AbyssForcefieldElevatorRegenerating BlockFloating Orb
See also Idol Traps