Spelunky Wiki
Spelunky Wiki

In Spelunky HD, an Arrow can be found when activating or breaking an Arrow Trap. The resultant projectile can then be thrown to deal 2 damage. Contrary to the former non-HD version, when an arrow hits its target, it becomes a headless arrow instead of disappearing.

Headless arrows deal no damage but can be used to break pots, chests and Mystery Boxes open from a distance. It may cause Powder Boxes to explode. It can knock-out a Spelunker or a Damsel. It can also cause a Spinner Spider to fall from its web and jump around. It has no effect on flying bats but can make a Snake, a Cobra or a Giant Spider stumble for a second. Thus, headless arrows appear to be one, if not the only, throwable object in the game that can be used almost safely in every condition.

Spelunky HD Items
Equipment SpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesPasteCompassCrysknifeParachuteKapalaUdjat EyeAnkhHedjetBook of the DeadVlad's Amulet
Backwear CapeJetpackVlad's Cape
Power-ups RopeBombsRoyal Jelly
Useable items MattockBoomerangMacheteWeb GunShotgunFreeze RayPlasma CannonCameraTeleporterShieldSceptre
Miscellaneous Idol
No Journal Entry TreasureChestCrateArrowGold KeyLocked ChestTorchMystery BoxEggplantPunish BallCrystal SkullThrowables