Spelunky Wiki

The Alien Compass is an item in Spelunky 2.


The Alien Compass is given by Van Horsing in 4-1 of Temple of Anubis, who is found in the backlayer of a certain room. To trigger this spawn, the spelunker must first free him from his cell in Volcana 2-1, and help him defeat Vlad in Vlad's Castle.


The Alien Compass functions just like a regular Compass, although it has the additional feature of pointing to the entrance to the Mothership, which is found just below where the camera stops following the player in The Abyss in the Ice Caves, on a single tile.

Unlike a standard Compass, the Alien Compass functions in the Cosmic Ocean as intended, pointing to the level exit the Celestial Jelly blocks.

Spelunky 2 Items
Equipment PasteSpectaclesClimbing GlovesPitcher's MittSpring ShoesSpike ShoesCompassAlien CompassParachuteUdjat EyeKapalaAnkhTablet of DestinySkeleton KeyFour-Leaf Clover
Crowns HedjetCrownEggplant CrownThe True Crown
Backwear CapeVlad's CapeJetpackTelepackHoverpackPowerpack
Power-ups BombsRopesRoyal JellyCooked TurkeyElixir
Usable Items WebgunShotgunFreeze RayClone GunCrossbowCameraTeleporterMattockBoomerangMacheteExcaliburBroken SwordPlasma CannonScepterHou Yi's BowWooden ShieldMetal Shield
Miscellaneous Arrow of LightIdolThe Tusk IdolCurse PotUshabtiEggplant
Traps Bear TrapLandmine
No Journal Entry CratePresentChestKeyGold KeyLocked ChestArrowsTorchPunish BallDiePot of GoldTreasurePlayer BagGiant FoodScrap